It’s the day of Halloween….
The Jones’ family was sitting around the couch talking about what they were to do later that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were planning to go to a work Halloween party. “You need to watch your younger sister.” Mr. Jones told their son Travis. Travis rolled his eyes and thought that his sister could stay at her friends, but he didn’t say anything. “Don’t you dare roll your eyes at us young man,” Exclaimed his mother. “Fine mom, geez I guess I will watch that little brat of yours,” Yelled Travis as he jogged up the stairs.
Jayden looked at her parents’, “why does Travis hate me?” she asked with a frown on her face. “Sweetheart he doesn’t hate you, he is just a boy who want to be out doing things he shouldn’t do,” Said her dad with a sincere heart. “Are you and the girls going to be little princess’ tonight,” her mom said trying to change the subject. “Yeah everyone, but Anna she’s going to be a duck.” Jayden said putting a smile on her face. “That’s good, do you want to go to the store with me and get some pumpkins with the steams still on its top?” “Yeah that will be fun, let’s go!” said Jayden.
“Travis your dad, me, and Jayden are going to the store, do you want to come?” “No mom,” Travis yelled down the stairs. When he heard his parents’ car drive away he ran up to the storage. He looked around and tried to find his families biggest, greatest suitcase. Once he found one he grabbed it and rushed down the stairs. He got seven outfits and stuff for personal hygiene. Then he ran down stairs grabbed twenty bottles of water and some canned meals. He also grabbed some junk food. Slowly he took a breath, and walked up the stair. When he got to his room he grabbed his box full of money and grabbed all his emergency money.
Ten minutes later he arrived at a gas station, and then he went inside. He bought a ten bottle cause of Red bull. A couple miles away Travis walked into an opening of the forest. He sat down on a rock and looked around. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small little cottage. He walked over to it to find a woman dressed in a witches outfit. Since it was Halloween he figured that it was her costume. He walked in she made him freeze. When he came unfrozen he felt this unbearable pain. He curled up into a ball, and as the pain grew he heard a excruciating laughter.
Then everything was silent, and Travis’ soul filled the air. His ghost still is trying to get home to his family, but his family is no more.