Friday, November 25, 2011

What drove the sugar trade?

An assignment I had to do for my geography class:

                What would happen if there was no sugar in the world today? Most of us wouldn’t be able to handle it.  What caused the sugar trade, because we people on this earth love sugar! The sugar trade was driven by the consumption and intake; too many people liked it and still do. Slavery played a big role in the sugar trade. To get the sugar we had to have money, and we used it to drive the sugar trade. Sugar is so good the British just had to have their hands on it.
                The British had to have more than their hands on the sugar; they wanted the sugar in their food. In E.T Parris illustration it shows kids and people trying to get the last little bit of sugar left in the 700-1200 pound barrel. British people loved it so much, they had to get more. They used it as an “auxiliary” as said in document three Benjamin Moseley’s M.D.  Sugar is addictive, most people don’t live a day without it. When the British first tasted sugar, which is contained in tea, coffee, and chocolate they liked it a lot. They used it to sweeten up their foods, like tea originally tea didn’t have sugar in it until the sugar trade. British wanted more sugar, sugar can be classified as a drug because it is so addicting. Consumption is a big part of the sugar trade. To make sugar there was a hard process that was time consuming.
                Since the process of making sugar was so time consuming none of the British people wanted to take the hard labor up. That’s when they had the slaves come in; they bought slaves to do the hard work. The work was really dangerous, so they believed it was okay for slaves to do the work. In document nine it says if they didn’t like sugar that much then they wouldn’t have to buy a slave which coasts 14- 41 British pounds. Most people in England were making money off of the slaves, they would have the slaves do the work and sell the sugar for more money. Slave and sugar production cost a lot of money says document number six. Money was a big part of the sugar trade. The more slaves you had the more sugar was produced.  There was a lot of supplies required to have the sugar plantations, document six states that for a five hundred acre land plantation for sugar it requires 21 certain things to hold a plantation. They had to have 16 different houses and 300 slaves that were mainly male to enhance the sugar production. Slavery cost a lot of the money the British had.
                Money had a TON to do with the sugar trade. Slavery was probably one of the biggest costs of money. In document number seven it says “this is the first curse of sugar: it is capital intensive.” That means that it cost a lot of money. It cost a lot of money to start a sugar plantation, so only rich people had them. They used slaves, which cost a lot of money, to take care of the plantations. To start plantations British people also traded stated in document number twelve. It still cost a lot of money, but it still drove the sugar trade.
                There were a lot of reasons why the sugar trade was drove, but the main reasons were probably consumption, slavery, and money. It may be a good thing there was a sugar trade, because most people can’t live without sugar. We all use sugar every day and it is all because of the British and everyone else who helped in the sugar trade. These are the reasons why the sugar trade was driven.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

True Friend

True friend
There are times only when a mother’s love will fix a broken heart
Mom, she always knows what to do
She can mend anything
If you were to die she would never let it go
You will always be her baby
She will hope and pray she dies before you
Just so she won’t have to go through that pain
She loves you
So love her more than she loves you because one day she may not be there to fix those “broken hearts,”
 Mend your things,
Hope she dies before you,
And to hold you in her arms
You’re her baby and always will be
Mother to daughter the love will never disperse
There is a thick line of friendship you share with her
Love your mom
She loves you
She will do anything for you
“When the whole world wants out on you,” she will walk in
She will be ready to be your one and only true friend

Only you

Only you
She walks in beauty, like the night glitters with stars
He walks in perfection as though no one knows
“I’m sorry for ever looking like this”
She says staring up at the moon
He stops and wishes he was never born
What they think is perfection is just a no some guy hidden behind lies
What they think is beauty is plastered make up, painted on their face
Only if they knew
But they don’t even have a clue
They think they aren’t what they are
She doesn’t need make up to look beautiful
It comes naturally
He wishes he wasn’t born
He lies even thought we all know the truth
You shouldn’t have to paint a different picture
On your already painted canvas
She is the beauty without the make up
He is the perfection without the lies.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Ok how about I just start out by saying I am running out of things and ideas to write about.  Every time I have to write on my blog I blow it off till the last second.  I know I should just do it as soon as possible, but when you don’t have a topic to write about, I don’t want to do it. It makes me think harder… and that makes my brain hurt. I’ve tried to think of a topic for a little bit less than a week, and today one just came to me. That’s usually how it works right? Ha well I was thinking does music influence your writing? That is going to be what my topic for the day is going to be.
Music, does it have an effect on your writing? Does it influence what you write? Does it give you ideas on what to write about? These are all really good questions. I believe music does have an effect on your writing, and does influence what you write. Last year in eighth grade my creative writing teacher would assign us a topic for us to write on and then she would turn on some music. She turned it on because she thought that it would give us ideas and influence us while we wrote. There were times in her class that a sad song would come on. Then I wanted to write about something sad. A while ago my mom was reading Stephanie Meyer’s blog; she listed all the songs she listened to while she wrote the twilight series. I believe that her listening to certain songs brought certain scenes to her book. Those songs made a great influence on the book, because a lot of people love that series. Just last night Breaking Dawn part one came out, I know that books and movies are different, but I’m sure Stephanie chose some of the songs to have in the movie. Music influences a lot of people I know it puts a story into my head each time I listen to a new song. Sometimes I even wonder what gave them the impression to write that in their song. Every song has a different meaning to a different person; I wish I could ask an artist what their song means to them. Music must influence people; it also makes a difference on someone’s attitude and thoughts. If you were to be listening to Red Jumpsuit Apparatus’ Face down you may feel the pain and sorrow of the girl they are talking about throughout their song. When you listen to Adele’s song Someone Like You do you feel sad? I know I do, it’s just the types of music out there. There are some songs that may make you want to go and hurt something.  It all depends on what you listen to; I love music. It is pretty much my life! When I feel sad I go and listen to sad music and that helps me know that people go through the same things I do. Music helps me get through life. Of course when I’m happy I listen to happy music, and that just makes me happier! It’s great how music can influence you and even help you through life. I love it!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The number one movie

On it has Lion King as the number one movie. This can be debated… The other day we had a sub in one of my classes.  The only way someone could take down the roll would be if we could guess the “number one” animated Disney movie. Everyone guessed, or at least tried. One of the top fifteen was Lion King. The sub said now that’s not the one he was thinking. Everyone has a different opinion. Then finally a boy said Robin Hood. Apparently that is the best animated Disney movie ever… That can be debated too… I like a lot of Disney’s work. There are a lot of good movies out there, but I think my favorite is Finding Nemo! That is the freaking funniest movie ever. I love Crush, Nemo, Dory, Marline, and almost all the characters! “Mine mine mine.” Haha that’s the seagulls, I’m sure you have seen this movie. If you haven’t you CAN NOT be human!!! It is one of the best movies ever!!! I like it lots. What is your favorite movie? What movie do you think is the top on the list? There is no wrong answer, because I think Nemo should be number one. The sub thought that Robin Hood was the number one movie in his opinion.  You may have a different opinion then us.

Feed back

Ok so last time I posted on my blog I talked about the boring classes and all. Blah blah blah…  If you are on my blog I’m sure you have read some of my other posts.  So here is how the last two days of my boring classes went. K so the day after I posted about the class, we got moved seats. Now I sit by one of my best friends! It’s amazing; I have fun in that class. I don’t get bored anymore, and I’m actually starting to learn some things in that class. I may be learning more than I did last term, but not by much. Anyways this term so far as been super great, and for those stupid classes that may be super boring just try changing your attitude.
You know one little thing can change everything.  It’s about our attitude, and how we choose to make our life. Other people can’t make your attitude be a certain way, same with your choices.  No one else can make your decisions. That’s for you to decide, like let’s say you come home from school and want a snake. What do you get? You have in your pantry potato chips, or there are apples in your fruit basket. What snack would you get? It is all up to you, if you feel like potato chips then eat those.  In school you can choose to not want to be there, or you can make the day one of the best days you could have.
I think this term will be better than last one, and everyone smile. Make life be fun to the fullest of your abilities. ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Do you have classes that are so freaking boring that you could fall asleep in them? Oh yeah I know your thinking about one right now.  Well what about having classes where you could fall asleep in them, but you don’t because you have so many friends and goof offs in that class? This year in most my classes it’s that way. I can’t stand it, because then I DO NOT learn anything in those classes. I dread most of my A day classes because of that reason. Then I get to that class and I’m like “oh hey…(name)”  then I don’t even pay attention in class. Ha there’s a class I have on A days, I swear the teacher is so stupid. If she didn’t realize that I didn’t understand half the stuff we learned, when I was sitting by a stranger. Then how much does she think I learn now, because I am now sitting by a friend… So I’m like awesome I get to sit by so and so in my next class so I’m excited. It just bugs me that teachers make their lessons boring, or maybe it’s me? Do I need to change my attitude? Maybe I should try to do that and see if that makes a difference in those classes. I don’t know I just can’t stand those days where I go to class after class of boringness. I could have a problem too, I like to draw or write in classes maybe that’s why I don’t learn anything, but why would I be drawing if I wasn’t bored? That’s usually the only time I draw is when I’m super bored. I don’t know… I will report back on this tomorrow after school to see if my attitude changed after putting some effort into having fun in those certain classes…