About ten years ago a tragedy happened to our country. Thousands of people had there life taken away, if only they would have known that the planes would be crashing into the twin towers. Two terrorists took charge of two planes and crashed them into the towers. Many people worked there, as the planes crashed many died. Between passengers on the plane, the employees that worked in the twin towers, and many that we call heros. Firefighters, soldiers, police officers, and many more are heros in this country. They are the ones that keep us safe and united. The people that had to die on that unforgetable day will never be forgotten. My love is with those who died and those who had loved ones die. My love is with those who are and were the heros of our country. Take time out of your day to remember those who have died for you! Think and know that there are angels in the heavens looking down and protecting you!
You can be the next hero! Remember, love, and fight!
Its been ten years and we will never forget!
September 11th 2001
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