Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Poem-Crazy Friends

You, me, her, him
I understand that you love her
And she loves him
But, I love you
And he loves me
I guess were just
some crazy friends
you see.
          By me

Villanelle Poem- Bright as you

Bright as you

All the stars ive seen are as bright as you.
The way you are shouldn't cause you any pain.
You say you never feel anything but blue.

You know that none of this can ever be true.
You know that this is just  a game.
All the stars ive seen are as bright as you.

The sky is the limit and I have the view.
People are saying that you have been lame.
You say you never feel anything but blue.

Maybe tthose who know you well could help you get through.
Wear your feelings on your sleeve, there is no shame.
All the stars ive seen are as bright as you.

Some people say mean things like the word ewe.
They say those things and your day may have rain.
You say you never ever feel anything but blue.

They aren't so nice and you can always feel it too.
You try to make it so you don't go insane.
All the stars are as bright as you.
 You say you never feel anything but blue.

                                                           By me :)

Epic Poem- She believed

She believed
that there was animals like no other.
But they lived far far away.
In a land that no one can see.
She told those that were close to her,
that they are out there.
No one believed
They just laughed you see. :(
She didn't care what anyone else had said,
she was going to go-
to find-
what she believed in.
She packed a case full of clothes, and treats.
She began to walk that very night.
Knowing she might not be able to stay alive.
She just had to see.
She walked all night, and made it out of town-
just in time for day
She rested and ate a craker to settle her stumuch.'
She wondered through out the day.
She got lost and couldn't find her way back, she wanted to go home.
Then she found a land like no other.
She found a village of dragons
FIRE blazing everywhere.
Her words were "oh my what are you?"
"Dragons" they say.
"Who are you little one?"
" I am the one and only person that believes in you." she said a little shy.
"Well aren't you a lucky one to find out we're real?"
"Dragons are real!" she screamed as she danced in a circle.
"I knew it!" she thought as she stood there in amazement.
"Join us for a feast?" said the biggest dragon.
They ate fruits and veggie, and special treats.
They talked-
and laughed-
untill the next day.
The little girl fell asleep-
as they sang words so sweet.
Sleeping- thoughts of dragons in her dreams.
She woke up and was in her bed.
She wondered how she even got there.
She will never know.
It was only the mysteries of the dragons,
And apparently it was just a dream
Or thats what they say...
                                                    By Me   :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who would you want to be?

“Cinderella walked on broken glass
Sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass
Belle fell in love with an hideous beast
Jasmine married a common thief
Ariel walked on land for love and life
Snow white barely escaped a knife
It was all about blood, sweat, and tears because love means facing your biggest fears”

I think i would want to be Snow White, only because her biggest fear is a knife. Or at least that is what the poem says. My biggest fear isnt a knife, but I am scared of them a little.  It also says love is facing your fears, princess' have to face their fears to get their prince. I don't even know if I would want to be a princess.

Have you ever heard Cinderella by the Cheetah Girls? Yes I know the Cheetah Girls are way out dated, and most the little kids these days wouldn't know who they are. But that song explains why I wouldn't want to be a princess

.Cinderella by the Cheetah Girls

You should go to the link up there and listen to it.

I think princess' have it quite easy! They don't have to do much, but deal with so much. I don't know how they do it!


Part of writing is to have imagination. Imagination can be used in different ways, like daydreaming. Your probably thinking when do people day dream any more? Well have you ever been in a boring class with a really cute guy sitting across the room from you? (Girls for the guys.) I know most girls do this, they will start to dose off and day dream. Some day dreams I've heard about are about the guy sitting across the room. That can be a form of imagination. There are a ton of other ways imagination can be used. I love it.

Writing shouldn't just be for the one writing, it should be for everyone! You judge yourself ten times harder than everyone else does. So if you think your writing is horrible or just okay someone else may love it or want to share it with others. Plus your writing can influence others to write or even get an idea to write something on. I would hope that if i inspired someone to write a book, novel, song, or any other piece of writing, that they would dedicate it to me. Wouldn't that be cool? I think so.

Writing is amazing so write, and share it with those around you. You never know what can happen to someone that reads what you write.

Monday, September 12, 2011

One Whole Month

For a whole month I have not watched tv, that was my goal for the month. I just finished that goal today. Tv can turn your mind to mush! I know that most kids these days would disagree, because they love to watch it so much. Do you think you could go with out tv for a month? At first I thought it would be extremely hard, but look how good I did. Tv is a waste of time in my opinion. Think of all the other things you could do.  Maybe finish a book for once in your life? You could learn to play an instrament, there is so much you could do if you weren't watching tv. There can be some good shows out there that you may watch, but i'm sure it won't be on every night or day. Get out do something! Make memories, it will be fun.
                                       Just try this little challenge you may be surprised that you can do it!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Moment of Silence

About ten years ago a tragedy happened to our country. Thousands of people had there life taken away, if only they would have known that the planes would be crashing into the twin towers. Two terrorists took charge of two planes and crashed them into the towers. Many people worked there, as the planes crashed many died. Between passengers on the plane, the employees that worked in the twin towers, and many that we call heros. Firefighters, soldiers, police officers, and many more are heros in this country. They are the ones that keep us safe and united. The people that had to die on that unforgetable day will never be forgotten. My love is with those who died and those who had loved ones die. My love is with those who are and were the heros of our country. Take time out of your day to remember those who have died for you! Think and know that there are angels in the heavens looking down and protecting you! 
                                      You can be the next hero! Remember, love, and fight!
                                                  Its been ten years and  we will never forget!
September 11th 2001