Thursday, September 22, 2011


Part of writing is to have imagination. Imagination can be used in different ways, like daydreaming. Your probably thinking when do people day dream any more? Well have you ever been in a boring class with a really cute guy sitting across the room from you? (Girls for the guys.) I know most girls do this, they will start to dose off and day dream. Some day dreams I've heard about are about the guy sitting across the room. That can be a form of imagination. There are a ton of other ways imagination can be used. I love it.

Writing shouldn't just be for the one writing, it should be for everyone! You judge yourself ten times harder than everyone else does. So if you think your writing is horrible or just okay someone else may love it or want to share it with others. Plus your writing can influence others to write or even get an idea to write something on. I would hope that if i inspired someone to write a book, novel, song, or any other piece of writing, that they would dedicate it to me. Wouldn't that be cool? I think so.

Writing is amazing so write, and share it with those around you. You never know what can happen to someone that reads what you write.

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