Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dear Author

                Dear Deanne Blackhurst,

                You an amazing writer, I have read your book Turning Hearts. It has helped me a lot throughout this year. It has changed my expectations, and my thoughts. I am grateful I came across your book at Desert Book. It is so inspiring, I almost cried several times. I can’t believe Amanda waited two years for Jake to come home from his mission, then she went off on a mission and he couldn’t wait eighteen months. That is one of the times I almost cried.

                Your book changed my expectations, before reading your book my expectations weren’t where they should have been. Before reading your book, I didn’t care or think about having a husband that would go on a mission. Let me tell you that I am only fifteen years old. I don’t have a husband, but I WANT my husband to have gone on a mission before we get married. I have a lot of guy friends that are leaving or planning to go on a mission.  I am so proud of them, I know it may be hard for them and sometimes even their families, but the lord will be with all that are having struggles while they are away. It is always good to encourage young men that look up to you to go on a mission. If they don’t still make them know that that is what you are looking for in a man.  It is also great to encourage them while they are out in the field. I love to write my guy friends that have left to go on a mission.

                You and Amanda have encouraged me to go on a mission. I want to be like Amanda, and have her spirit. Even when she was having the hardest time she still found the hope and love from her heart. She let it shine through; she also let the lord take over sometimes. I know to have the lord take over you have to be in tune and trust in the lord. It is always good to start learning of the lord and the gospel while you are still in your teens. I love the gospel, and I know that it is good to share what we learn and know about our gospel. It may be hard at times, and we may get scared, but doing this will let the lord know we love him. I want to help the lord find people who want to know about our church, and invite them to come to our church. I want to “find them, because I am the only one.” The only one who can help that certain person, or family.  I have heard from many people that only a certain someone can help plant a seed in a convert’s heart. I could do that, it is just a matter of meeting new people and letting them know you are there for them and that may plant the seed for them. I love the gospel, and I want to learn more of it and be able to teach people about it.

 I love this book of yours! I am grateful for the influence this had on me. It is probably the one book I’ve finished in about two days. I could not put it down! It was such a great book, I am so glad it is influencing me to learn more of the gospel. I have learned so much because of your book, and others. Your book is probably the one book that has encouraged me to think about a mission though.  Thank you so much for writing this book, and sharing it with who ever will take the time to read it!


With lots of love

Love me

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