Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Galaxy Nails!!!

What supplies you will need: A dark color of nail polish like a black or really dark blue. Some bright nail polish colors. (Example: hot pink, a light green and blue) Sparkle nail polish, and a clear coat nail polish. You will need make up sponges, paper, and qutips.
What you do:
1. Paint your fingernails with the dark nail polish with about 2-3 coats.
2. Let that dry.
3. Take a makeup sponge and choose one of the bright colors that you chose, take the nail polish and dump a little onto the sponge and sponge it on an area of your nail. This will create the nebula of your galaxy.
4. Do that to all your fingernails.
5. Do step three and four with the other brigh colors you chose.
6. Once you have your nails the way you want them let it dry and pick out some sparkle nailpolish.
7. Lightly coat all your fingernails with the sparkle nailpolish. (Having different sized sparkles makes it look a lot cooler)
8. Once you have finished coat them with the sparkle nailpolish coat it with the clear nailpolish so it will stay longer.
9. Using the qutips put some nailpolish remover on it and go around your fingernail to take off any nailpolish that got onto your fingers.
The paper is so you can have the sponges sit on it while you are no using them.

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